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How to find peace as an introvert during the holidays

Karolien Koolhof
How to find peace as an introvert during the holidays

Although the month of December is different this year from other years, many people still experience it as a busy month. Especially as an introvert, it can be tiring to go from one Zoom drink to another and find a moment for yourself. A few tips to find some more rest this month.

Give yourself some space

Introverts tend to give others more space than themselves. As a result, it can happen that you go beyond your own limits, which can exhaust you. However, it is completely understandable if you need a little time for yourself every once in a while. That may feel a bit uncomfortable, but as an introvert it is a necessity of life. Moreover, if you want to take good care of others, you will have to take good care of yourself first. Allow yourself some space, so that both you and your environment will benefit.

No is also an answer

Because it is so difficult for introverts to take up space, it is often difficult for them to say no. An introvert will soon feel that he's harming someone if he says no. However, realize that if you say yes to everything and then find yourself at the umpteenth social occasion, you are probably not your best self anymore. That is not the best situation for you, nor for your environment. Dare to say no now and then, so that you can fully focus your attention on what you are saying yes to. That will give you a lot more air.

Quality over quantity

Where an extrovert likes as much contact as possible in a short time, an introvert benefits more from more in-depth one-on-one contact. Now that we can be together with less people during the holidays, it becomes easier to go into depth in smaller groups. Share what concerns you and investigate where you have common ground with your conversation partner. You will notice that when you talk about your passion or that of the other, you quickly go into more depth.

Be yourself

Do you blame yourself for not saying so much at Christmas dinner? Or do you feel guilty about wanting to leave early on New Year's Eve? It is very easy to mainly see what you are doing wrong, but try to turn it around. Even though you didn't say much, everyone listened very carefully when you shared your insights, for example. And because you left earlier, you feel rested the next day. Introverts have their own way of doing things, which helps them be their best selves. Don't try to pretend otherwise, but listen to your own needs. You will see that in that way, others will notice your strength a lot more.


Karolien Koolhof

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