As an introvert, you recharge by being alone every now and then. That is not always easy in a world that is mainly extroverted. But it also makes it all the more important to take into account your own limits and wishes as an introvert. A few tips for doing this.
Reserve time for yourself
For introverts, it is literally vital to spend time alone once in a while. Those are the moments when they recharge. It's the starting point and also the end point as soon as the energy is used up. However, due to the natural tendency of introverts to give others a lot of space, they don't always take enough time for themselves. As a result, the energy can slowly but surely run out.
The solution to this is to consciously make time for yourself. Just like you schedule your other appointments, you can also set aside time for yourself in your calendar. That may seem strange, because it is an appointment with yourself. But you will see that you really stick to it this way and that you will take your time.
Search the depth
As an introvert you like to go in depth. This is unfortunately not always possible in conversations, but those times when it does work are real charging moments. You can also take this need into account when making certain appointments. Do you have friends or colleagues with whom you can have these kinds of in-depth conversations? Then make sure you plan it regularly. They counterbalance other, less in-depth conversations.
Of course you can also do this by writing something down for yourself in the form of a diary. Write down everything that comes to mind and dive deep. The writing process will help you gain clarity and work things out further. As an introvert, it is easier to work on something in silence every now and then, which will make it easier for you to find the depth.
Search for flow
When you do something that completely immerses you, you experience flow. You achieve this by doing something that gives you energy and which you are also good at. As an introvert you may be used to mainly doing what is expected of you, but what if you turn it around? What if you would look at it from your own perspective, at what gives you energy?
By connecting to your natural, more introverted way of working and communicating, you will experience more flow. And that, in turn, gives you a lot more energy.
Be kind to yourself
Introverts are often in their heads, which makes them critical of themselves. For example, they keep telling themselves that they cannot do something or that they will not be accepted as they are. As a result, they remain in their safe comfort zone and adapt strongly. However, that makes it difficult to really choose what makes them happy.
By learning why you are so critical of yourself and looking at this in a different way, you become more gentle with yourself. You will notice that this makes it easier to take that next step that suits you completely. And you will eventually notice that in your energy level as well.
Are you an introvert and do you want to discover what really gives you energy? I'm happy to meet you.