introvert inner critic career coach introversion

How to make sure you take that next step

Karolien Koolhof
How to make sure you take that next step

Do you feel your work is not challenging enough, do you miss the autonomy and do you feel misunderstood by your colleagues? But does something within you stop you from looking for what really makes you happy? This is a known issue for many highly gifted introverts. The good news: you can take that step, with the right mindset.

You have this feeling of not really being in the right place. You are good at what you do, but you don't feel challenged anymore. You regularly think about other possibilities, which makes you very happy but also a bit scared. Because after all, it's not that bad right now, is it?

For many introverts, the inner critic come to live at times when they are about to step outside their own comfort zone. That voice tells them that it would be better to keep on doing what they used to do or, even worse, that they would probably not succeed if they took that step. As a result, the inner critic hinders them in moving forward. 

If you want to take that next step, you will have to break this pattern. It's not always easy, but in the end it will help you get where you want to go. Some tips.

Become aware of your inner critic
The inner critic is a mechanism that wants to protect you, because outside of your comfort zone you can find things such as uncertainty and criticism. You often identify with this voice, but originally it was shaped by your upbringing, the education you have followed and your environment. The critic arises from the fear of being criticized or getting into conflict with your environment. You can therefore see it as a continuous inner conflict.

Many introverts listen very strongly to what the critic has to say and act accordingly. However, this means that you keep on playing it safe. As soon as you understand where this voice comes from and when it gets stronger, it becomes easier to give it a less prominent place. You can put it into perspective, so that it will eventually take up less space. This makes it easier to actually take that next step.

Know your worth
Selling themselves is usually not something that introverts tend to like. Instead, they often prefer a more modest attitude. But that modesty is often confused with not having the guts or not being able to take a next step, which will stop you from moving forward.

In order to be able to get others to see your worth, you must first know that worth yourself. Do you know what you are really good at? Do you know how you make a difference in what you do? And is this also seen by your environment?

To gain more insight into this you can, for example, do a personality test or make an ikigai. It often requires some practice, but if you believe in yourself, you will radiate this. This makes it easier to share your future wishes with others.

Step outside of your comfort zone
What got you here, won't get you there is a well-known quote from Marshall Goldsmith and also applies in this situation. If you continue to do what you always did, you probably won't take the next step quickly. Only by trying new things and stepping outside your own comfort zone will you be able to grow.

Such a change can sometimes be scary as an introvert. You suddenly feel like a beginner again and soon that inner voice comes around. You go through various stages of emotions such as anger, fear and sadness, in order to ultimately feel more secure in your new situation. At that moment you have arrived in the learning zone.

You must be careful to not do too much too quickly, as this will end you up in the panic zone. Your inner critic is going to run at full speed and you will get stuck. At that moment you will have to take a step back.


About me
For years I kept myself small because I was scared to actually take the steps that would really make me happy. It was behavior that I taught myself as a child, because I was (and am) very sensitive and often do things differently than others. People therefore often did not understand me. I thought that if I took up as little space as possible, they would 'leave me alone'.

However, it became something that got in my way more and more as I got older. I wanted so much, but by keeping myself small I was unable to realize that. I was not seen or heard, so I did not take the steps that I would really like to take. Until I was done with it.

By doing a lot of self-development, I was finally able to break this circle of thought and accept myself as I am. This also meant that I could take the step towards entrepreneurship, because I was no longer afraid to take the space I needed to make my dreams come true. Something I would also like to help you with as a coach.

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Karolien Koolhof

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