Maybe you've been off work recently, maybe you've just kept on working. Anyway, for many, normal work life has now started again and that means that managing your energy as an introvert can now use some extra attention. A few tips on how to do that.
Introverts recharge by occasionally having a moment to themselves. This is often a bit easier during vacation time than during your work. Now that you are back to work, you may have to get used to a somewhat busier environment again and you have fewer options for recharging. Yet that is literally vital as an introvert. But how do you actually do that?
There are several ways to do this, depending on your personal preference and work environment. A few tips to manage your energy as an introvert:
Schedule time for yourself
At work, it is only natural that you plan things carefully. But do you also do that for your free time? It may feel a bit contradictory, but consciously planning time for yourself will help you actually take that time. Introverts often have a tendency to give priority to others, at the expense of their own time. Allow yourself that moment to recharge and put it in your agenda. You then owe it to yourself.
Go for deep conversations
Introverts don't like small talk. On the other hand, they are very good at quickly going into depth during a conversation. That's what gives them energy. So instead of a group activity, schedule a one-on-one meeting with someone more often. Tell that one close friend about your concerns and ask him or her about his or her interests. You will see that this gives you much more energy than an evening loaded with people.
Read a book
The way introverts' brains work allows them to concentrate properly for a longer period of time. That gives them a head start when reading books, which requires a lot of your concentration. Various studies have shown that reading reduces your heart rate and muscle tone after just a few minutes. It also helps you to fall asleep quickly, unlike a mobile phone that activates your brain even more by the light it emits.
Take breaks
Have you planned many social activities in one day? Make sure you also schedule a few breaks for yourself. Where extroverts recharge through these types of activities, they generally take a lot of energy for introverts. So take a short break from time to time: go for a walk, refresh yourself or get something to drink. Briefly closing your eyes also helps you quickly regain some energy. Visual information uses about 85 percent of the part of your brain that deals with stimuli (source: Michel Le Van Quyen, Cerveau et silence: Les clés de la créativité et de la sérénité, 2019: Flammarion). If you close your eyes for a moment, your brainwaves will automatically slow down and switch to the so-called default network. This is linked to, among other things, daydreaming and creativity.
Say no more often
Introverts often tend to put the needs of others above their own. They also hate conflict. As a result, they sometimes take on more work than they can actually handle and do not get enough time for themselves. If you notice that you have too little energy, consider which things you do and do not get energy from. Also ask yourself whether they should all be on your plate. That makes it easier to discuss this and to say no in future situations.
What's your favorite way to recharge as an introvert? I'd like to hear from you!