Within companies there is increasing attention for neurodiversity. In short, this is about differences in people's brains. That is precisely the reason why introversion is also part of it.
With neurodiversity, people usually mean autism, dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADHD, giftedness and high sensitivity. In all of these things, there is a difference in the neurological and cognitive functioning of the brain. However, that list also includes introversion. How is that exactly?
Scientists have studied the differences in the brains of more introverted and more extroverted people. They saw in introverts that they are more sensitive to dopamine, the happiness hormone. For that reason, introverts have fewer so-called dopamine receptors: cells that are sensitive to stimuli. Extroverts have more of them, because they need more stimuli to feel good.
Thinking process
Another difference is that the thinking process works differently in an introvert. An introvert thinks before he or she speaks and likes to see things from different perspectives. That explains why reacting quickly is often so difficult. In extroverts, thinking and talking go together because talking helps form the thoughts. There is also a difference in the functioning of the brain.
Like autism, dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADHD, giftedness and high sensitivity, introversion is something you can't see. It is invisible diversity and that is why it is so difficult to be aware of. As humans, we often assume that other people are just like us, so we think it's strange if they react differently. Only by being aware of the differences and how you can strengthen each other in this, will there be room for everyone to be themselves.
Not black and white
Of course, this is not a black and white picture. Personality is complex and often there are more factors that influence someone's functioning. Things like shyness or modesty are sometimes interpreted as introversion, which are other dimensions of personality. And an introvert who is gifted or, for example, has dyslexia, also has a different instruction manual.
It is important to create more awareness about this, so that a safe atmosphere is created to talk about it. This is already happening at companies such as ASML (they set up a special network), ABN Amro and Philips. In the short term it may require an investment, but in the longer term this kind of awareness leads to more innovation, less turnover and also more job satisfaction. In the current tight market, it is also a smart way to attract new employees.
Quiet Quality provides inspiration sessions on the theme of neurodiversity and diversity in personality. Contact us for more information.