belemmerende overtuigingen introvert

What keeps you from moving forward?

Karolien Koolhof
What keeps you from moving forward?

I come across them in almost everyone I coach: certain beliefs that prevent someone from progressing. We call them limiting beliefs. A few tips to deal with this differently.

'Everyone has to like me', 'I can't make mistakes' or 'Everything has to go the way I want'. These are just a few examples of limiting beliefs that many introverts have. Often they are the result of past experiences in our lives that have shaped us. And they can also have a lot of influence on your daily life later on.

But, as the name suggests, they are beliefs. They are thoughts in your head that you can change by learning to look at them differently. That prevents you from showing the same behaviour next time because 'that's just how you always do it'. Otherwise, they will remain the self-fulfilling prophecies they have always been.


In my trajectories I always look for the source of the limiting belief. Where does it come from and what is its function? Looking at it that way makes it easier to see it as it is: a defence mechanism that protects you from things like rejection or pain.

It is important to replace the limiting belief with a helping one. You don't do that from one day to the next, but through frequent practice. That way, you can turn the impediment into something more productive that will help you move forward. It is often exactly what is needed to get someone moving again.

A few examples of limiting beliefs that I often come across:

  • I'm not good enough
  • I am unimportant
  • I'm not worth it
  • I have to be perfect
  • I have to keep everything under control
  • Success is not for me
  • I'm afraid of change
  • I'm afraid of conflict
  • I'm afraid of failing

Which of these beliefs do you recognize as an introvert? I would be happy to discuss this with you to see how we can turn this into a helpful belief.

Karolien Koolhof

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