'Wanted: an energetic team player for our sales team' or 'Apply now: we are looking for an enthusiastic person who comes into his own in an environment where speed is paramount'. It's just two sentences from job openings that make introverts probably think twice before applying. And that is a missed opportunity.
Many vacancy texts are - often unintentionally - not inclusive. For example, if you look at the examples above, those are terms that will make introverts feel left out. While they can certainly work in a team and be quite enthusiastic about their job, they do it in a different way than is often expected. As a result, they write themselves off in advance and usually don't respond to these kinds of functions. While introverts can also offer added value in these types of teams.
Especially in the current tight labor market, it can work to your advantage if you make a vacancy text a bit more inclusive. How do you ensure that introverts also feel addressed and do respond to a certain position? A few tips:
Don't exclude anyone
I have literally come across the word 'extrovert' a few times in a vacancy text. That by definition already excludes the introvert. Wonder why you're mentioning this. Are you looking for a social person, an energetic person or a good speaker? Introverts can be all of that, but do it in their own way. So look beyond the way you know.
Embrace the differences
Show that someone can be themselves at your company. For introverts, this means that they are given time to think and occasionally work alone, for example. And that people don't look strange if they don't want to go to a team outing. Be open about this and mention it in your vacancy text. It will help introverts to feel welcome.
Give space
Introverts often need some time to adapt during a job interview. It can work well to schedule a second interview and give someone the chance to show some more. This is how you give an introvert space. In addition, it is also good to mention what has been arranged within the company to make an introvert feel at ease. Is there an option to occasionally work from home? Are there areas where someone can work undisturbed for a while? And how big are the groups when meetings take place? All things that can make an introvert feel a little more comfortable.
Know what you are talking about
Unfortunately, there is still a lot of uncertainty about what exactly introversion is. It is still seen by some as not being sociable or being afraid of being on stage, which is not right. It is also often seen as a negative characteristic, while introversion has many beautiful sides. If you want to take advantage of that, make sure you are aware of what being introverted means. That it mainly has to do with where you get your energy from, for example. And that it is innate and must therefore be part of a policy that focuses on diversity.
Do you want to know more about how introverts and extroverts can reinforce each other in the workplace? I regularly talk about this in the form of webinars and live workshops. Feel free to contact me to discuss the possibilities.